Welcome to our updated collection of tools & resources. If you click on the images below, you can jump to resources available from our partners in the UVA Wisdom & Wellbeing Collaborative. We have also provided resources in the navigation list to the right. Please email Mary or Natalie if you'd like to suggest additional resources or links.
Working with our Wisdom & Wellbeing Partners, we have created a summary of resources, organized by stress continuum zone. You may access the PDF version here. Links to all partners' web sites appear below.
If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 911, go to your nearest emergency room, or contact one of the crisis hotlines listed below:
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 988 (available 24/7) or Lifeline Chat and Text https://988lifeline.org/chat/
Region Ten Emergency Services (434) 972-1800, available 24/7