Resources Available Across the Web
- Learning about our Window of Tolerance
- My Circle of Control
- Things I Worry About
- Bite-Size Well-Being Video Series
- Well-being Webinar Series Recordings
- Well-being Tools
- Feelings Wheel
- Feelings Wheel (Interactive)
- Breath2Relax App
- Stress Management Apps
- National Center for PTSD: 30 Days of Self-Care with COVID Coach app on iOS or Android, and download the 30 Days of Self-Care with COVID Coach guidebook (PDF) that has all of the suggestions for self-care practices.
Grounding & Meditations
- The Four Elements Exercise | Voice Option 1 | Voice Option 2
- A Meditation for Grounding
- Pathways to Self-Regulation
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation
- The RAIN of Self-Compassion Meditation
- Grounding Tools for Detaching from Emotional Pain
Mindfulness Activities
- Body Scan
- Common Errors in Thinking
- Embodying Love Visualization
- G.L.A.D. Technique
- Judgment vs. Curiosity: Mindfulness Worksheet
- Loving-Kindness
- Mindful Acceptance
- Mindful Pause Sessions
- Mindfulness of Breath, Body, Sounds, and Thoughts
- Tai Chi Break - 6 min
- Three-Minute Breathing Space
- Two Interventions to Foster Positive Change
Breathing Activities
- 4-7-8 Breath Relaxation Exercise | Video
- Deep Breathing to Reduce Stress - 5 Mins a Day
- Mindful Deep Breathing
Cognitive Behavioral Skills
- 5 Ways to Power Your Performance with Optimism
- Checklist of Cognitive Distortions & How to Manage Them
- Cognitive Behavioral Tools for Stress Management
- Cognitive Distortions Worksheet
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Skills
- DBT Crisis Survival Skills (videos)
- Distress Tolerance Skills
- Deskercise! 20 Ways to Get Moving While you Work
- Getting out of Thinking Traps
- The Journal of Ritual Reflection
- More Joy - Scientifically proven micro-actions that you can practice daily
- Reframe Health Lab
- Self-Help Techniques for Coping with Mental Illness
Talks & Articles
- I Think I Have PTSD Symptoms: What is PTSD? Healthy Balance
- Joy by Abby Palko
- Positive Conversations with Dr. Rick Hanson
- The Power of Vulnerability with Brene
- Racism Recovery Plan
- 5 Tips to Turn Around a Stressful Day - Mental Health First Aid
- Central Virginia Clinicians of Color Self-Care Tip Sheet
- How to Make Stress Your Friend
- Resilience in Health Care
- Resources for Chronic Pain (from Mark Grant, MA, MAPs - Pain Control with EMDR)
- Stress First Aid
- How to Practice Self-Compassion
- Six Science-Based Self-Compassion Exercises
- General Self-Compassion Break [5 minutes]
- Compassion with Equanimity [6 minutes]
- Soles of the Feet [5 minutes]
- Tender Self-Compassion:
- To SOOTHE Myself Physically: Warm Bath, Cup of Tea, Get a Massage
- To COMFORT Myself Emotionally: Have a Good Cry, Pet the Dog, Listen to Music
- To VALIDATE Myself: Journal, Artwork, Connect with my Community
- Fierce Self-Compassion:
- To PROTECT Myself: Say "No," Leave the Scene, Learn Self-Defense
- To PROVIDE for Myself: Say "Yes" to my Needs and Values, Do What I Love, Try Something New
- To MOTIVATE myself: Remember Past Successes, Use Encouraging Words, Find a Coach
The above resources are not designed for crisis intervention. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 911, go to your nearest emergency room, or contact one of the crisis hotlines listed below:
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 988, available 24/7 | Lifeline Chat
Region Ten Emergency Services: (434) 972-1800, available 24/7
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 988, available 24/7 | Lifeline Chat
Region Ten Emergency Services: (434) 972-1800, available 24/7