Welcome to the Behavioral Health Program at UVA Health - Population Health. We are a team of clinical social workers who are here to offer short-term emotional support, psychotherapy, and referrals to local therapists and professionals to help eligible* individuals to cope and problem-solve many of the challenges they are facing.

Our Population Health Behavioral Health team offers:

  • Brief or Interim psychotherapy sessions, in-person or telehealth; up to 8 sessions for most concerns and up to 12 sessions for trauma-related concerns.
  • Counseling support for issues such as: depression, anxiety disorders, trauma/PTSD, stress, moods impacting healthcare engagement, life transitions, adjustments due to changes from chronic or acute illness and injuries, caregiving burden, grief/loss, addiction, end of life concerns, etc.
  • Mental health coaching and therapeutic support
  • Evidence-based psychotherapies for trauma such as Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
  • Psychoeducation about mental health diagnosis
  • Support to learn skills to improve coping and well-being
  • Referrals to UVA Health mental health care providers, community therapists or agencies for long-term support

We invite you to explore what we can offer by clicking on the menu or navigation. We are honored to support you in any way we can.

Population Health Behavioral Health appointments for individuals are offered by phone, video, or in person.

  • If meeting by video, please download and install Zoom 
  • If meeting in person, our office is located at: 
    1222 Jefferson Park Ave., 5th floor, Room 5217, Charlottesville, VA 22903
  • Click here to read our Informed Consent for Telehealth Services
  • We do not offer crisis services. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 911 or go to you nearest emergency room. You can also call Region 10 Emergency Services (434) 972-1800 or National Suicide Hotline 988.
  • Meet our Therapists

*Eligibility Criteria:

  • Individuals must be 18 and older
  • Patients (or their caregivers) recently discharged from UVA Health and referred to one of our patient programs
  • UVA Employees (Health System and Academic; includes UPG & UVA-Wise): e.g., Fellows, Medical Residents, Staff, Faculty, Clinicians, and Clinical Team Members
  • Eligible individuals must reside in the state of Virginia at the time of service