Neonatal Resuscitation Program  

Click here to register for an NRP course

All participants must register using the link above; 

Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) is a course jointly sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Heart Association.  The AAP describes it this way:  "The course conveys an evidence-based approach to care of the newborn at birth and facilitates effective team-based care for the healthcare professionals who care for newborns at the time of delivery."

NRP has two parts:  

Part 1, is an online module that includes written testing and e-Sim cases:
  • Please register for part one through the Life Support Learning Center registration link above.  
    • UVA staff
      • You will not receive your NRP course If you registered 45 days before the course start date, (this is because the NRP online course expires in 60 days once it has been assigned to the student and we allow 15 days for extenuating circumstances)
      • Once the 45 day window has been met the student will receive an email from the NRP to sign in and if needed create a global ID. Your course assignment will also be included in this initial email.
      • Please complete all the course components including any surveys and bring your completed course certificate to the instructor led event skills session. Non completion of the course or not providing the certificate to the instructors will result in not being able to attend the course skills date.
    • EMS/Community Health Care Providers:
      • When you complete the registration, please contact the Life Support Learning Center at (434) 924-1765 to arrange for your payment, (cost will be determined during your registration process).
      • Once payment has been received the following will occur 
        • You will not receive your NRP course If you registered 45 days before the course start date, (this is because the NRP online course expires in 60 days once it has been assigned to the student and we allow 15 days for extenuating circumstances)
        • Once the 45 day window has been met the student will receive an email from the NRP to sign in and if needed create a global ID. Your course assignment will also be included in this initial email.
        • Please complete all the course components including any surveys and bring your competed course certificate to the instructor led event skills session. Non completion of the course or not providing the certificate to the instructors will result in not being able to attend the course skills date.
Part 2, the Instructor-led Event:
  • Please bring a printed copy of your course completion certificate for the instructor.
  • Failure to provide a course certificate will result in not being able to attend class. (remember you must complete the course survey in order to receive a certificate
  • Expect to do hands-on skills stations, and team-based Mega-Code simulations during your Instructor led event skills session.
Please email Jackie Keller at or call the Life Support Learning Center at (434) 924-1765 for any questions.