Welcome. As a vendor doing business with the University of Virginia Medical Center, you are provided a copy of the Medical Center's Compliance Code of Conduct and "Facts about False Claims" Appendix. Please see the attached file below. It describes the federal False Claims Act, the Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act, the Medical Center's policies and procedures for preventing and detecting fraud, waste and abuse, and whistleblower protections in law and Medical Center policy for those reporting fraud, waste and abuse. To the extent required by law and as a Medical Center vendor, you agree to require all of your employees directly providing services to the Medical Center to comply with any and all applicable laws, rules or regulations related thereto.
Formal Competitive Procurements Currently Open For Vendor Response
The University of Virginia Medical Center has the following formal competitive procurements currently open for vendor response. Interested vendors are invited to contact the senior contract negotiator for additional information & documentation.
All vendor responses are due to the senior contract negotiator no later than the Closing Date & Time indicated below, and in accordance with the proposal submission requirements as further specified in the documentation.
Formal competitive procurements are subject to the Medical Center's contractual provisions: Contractual Provisions (PDF) Purchase Order Terms & Conditions (PDF)