Career Development

Career Development

We are a community of life-long learners dedicated to developing the many talents of our employees.

My Career at UVA

Career Navigation helps current employees and team members develop your careers and managers and leaders develop your teams at UVA.

Career Navigation

Performance Management

Employee Performance Management is a collaborative, ongoing process between a manager and an employee to plan for, develop, and evaluate the employee’s work. Read about Performance Management Goals, Toolkits, and more.

Performance Management

Rewards & Recognition

Learn more about how we support the advancement of the University’s mission with efforts to measure, improve, reward and celebrate individuals and team performance, and how we aim to foster productivity, inclusivity, organizational pride and engagement.

Rewards & Recognition

The Cornerstone Program

In 2014, UVA launched the succession development Cornerstone Program. Cohorts are selected annually and have 30 participants.

Learn More